
Orangetheory Inferno Workout: Template, Strategy and Tips

Completing the Orangetheory Inferno workout is an accomplishment to be proud of. Whether it’s your first time or you’re a seasoned participant, the Inferno pushes your limits and tests your endurance. In this article, we will dive into the details of the Inferno workout, including its structure, template, goals, and strategies.

Get ready to learn more about this exhilarating Orangetheory session!

So, What is Orangetheory Inferno Workout?

OrangeTheory Inferno workout is a tough and challenging Orangetheory session that combine of both rowing and running on the treadmill. The Inferno Signature Workout is all about pacing yourself. You’ll be challenged on the treads, but your real goal will be to crush your row after you run.

Understanding the Orangetheory Inferno Workout:

The Orangetheory Inferno workout is designed to maximize your rowing distance within a set timeframe. The workout is divided into two types: 2G and 3G. In a 2G class, there are two groups alternating between blocks, while a 3G class has three groups rotating among stations.

2G Inferno Workout

In a 2G Inferno workout, the focus is on a 23-minute Run/Row block. Participants start by resetting their rowing monitors and rowing 100 meters. They then move to the treadmill to run 0.1 miles or power walk 0.05 miles. Returning to the rowing machine, they increase their rowing distance by 100 meters. This cycle continues, with participants incrementally adding 100 meters to their rowing distance every time. The last minute of the workout is an all-out row. Participants record their total rowing distance at the end of the block. After the Run/Row block, participants move on to the floor block and complete the class.

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Example for 2G Inferno:

Reset Your Row Monitor First,

  • Row 100m
  • Run .1 miles / .05 miles walking
  • Row 200m
  • Run .1 miles / .05 miles walking
  • Row 300m
  • Run .1 miles / .05 miles walking
  • Continue for 23 minutes. Keep adding 100 to the row meters. So 400, 500, 600, etc…
  • Last Minute is an All Out Row
  • Keep track of your distance

After that, you’ll move on to the floor block for the rest of the 2G class.

Template for 2G Inferno:

Row / Tread block (Inferno): 23 minutesFloor Block 1: 8 minutesFloor block 2: 8 minutesFloor Block 3: 4 minutes
-Run 0.1 miles/ power walk 0.05 miles
-Row 100 m
-Repeat for 23 minutes, increasing the Row by 100m
-Power push-ups: 5
-DB chest fly: 10
-DB overhead tricep extension: 20
-Static crunch over-under: 30/ 20/ 10
-DB plank alt low Row: 10
-TRX low row: 10
-DB hammer curls: 15
-V-ups: 5/10/15/20
-Straight leg raises to hip raises: 5/10/15/20
-Power sit-ups with alt rotation: 10

[Note that the above is not always the case. it changes from studio to studio and from Time to Time.]

3G Inferno Workout:

In a 3G Inferno workout, the rowing block lasts for 14 minutes. Participants start by resetting their rowing monitors and rowing 100 meters. They then perform 20 lateral hops or another recommended bodyweight power move. With each subsequent round, participants increase their rowing distance by 100 meters. Similar to the 2G workout, participants record their total rowing distance at the end of the block. After the rowing block, participants proceed to the floor and treadmill blocks to complete the class.

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Example for 3G Inferno:

Reset Your Row Monitor First,

  • Row 100 m
  • 20 hops (or do exercise)
  • Row 200 m
  • 20 hops
  • Row 300 m
  • 20 hops
  • Keep going in 3G for 14 minutes. With each new round, add 100 meters to the length of the row. So 400, 500, 600, etc…
  • Keep track of your distance

After that, you’ll move on to the floor block and tread block for the rest of the 3G class.

Template for 3G Inferno:

Rowing Block: 14 minutesFloor Block 1: 7 MinutesFloor Block 2: 7 minutesTread Block : 14 minutes
-100m Row
-Reverse Lunge to Triceps Extension: 20
-Repeat Until Time is up, increasing the Row by 100m
-Incline Chest Press: 8
-Push Up to Row: 8
-Ab Scissors: 20/30/40
-TRX – High Row: 10
-Incline Chest Fly: 8
-Bench Sit Up to Shoulder Press
-0.2 Miles run
-1 Minute Walking
-0.4 Mile run
-1 Minute Walking
-0.6 Mile run
-1 Minute Walking
-1 Mile run
-1 Minute Walking 

[Note that the above is not always the case. it changes from studio to studio and from Time to Time.]

Inferno Goals and Benchmarks

The goals for the Orangetheory Inferno workout vary depending on individual fitness levels and preferences. On average, participants aim to achieve a distance of 4000 meters in 2G classes and 3000 meters in 3G classes.

Orangetheory Inferno

However, everyone’s goals may differ based on factors such as experience, flexibility, and height. It’s important to set a personal target that challenges and motivates you.

Interpreting Inferno Scores

Inferno scores are categorized based on performance. The top performers in 2G classes typically achieve distances of 4100 meters and above, while in 3G classes, distances of 3000 meters and above are considered outstanding. The average scores for 2G and 3G classes are around 3500 meters and 2700 meters, respectively.

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It’s important to note that these scores can vary, and individual progress should be the primary focus.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I participate in the Inferno workout if I prefer power walking?

Absolutely! The 2G classes allow participants to power walk, which can be a great option to accumulate rowing points. Power walkers typically spend half as much time on the treadmill as runners, maximizing their rowing performance. Remember to maintain a challenging incline of 6% during the power walking segments.

How can I improve my performance during the Inferno workout?

Here are a few tips to enhance your Inferno experience:

  • Set a target goal to motivate yourself throughout the workout.
  • Practice exercises and improve your flexibility beforehand.
  • Choose between 2G and 3G classes based on your preferences.
  • Keep in mind that increasing speed on the treadmill may result in more waiting time for the belt to slow down. Balance your energy expenditure between the treadmill and rower.
  • Listen to your body and take breaks when needed to recover and avoid overexertion.


The Orangetheory Inferno workout is an exciting and challenging session that pushes participants to achieve their maximum rowing distance within a designated timeframe. Whether you choose the 2G or 3G format, the Inferno is designed to test your endurance and encourage personal progress.

Set your goals, develop a strategy, and enjoy the sense of accomplishment as you surpass your previous best. Keep pushing yourself, and watch your performance improve over time.

Get ready to conquer the Inferno and elevate your fitness journey!

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