5 Exercises that start with Z (How to, Muscles Worked, Calorie Burn)

Welcome to an energizing compilation of five exercises that begin with the letter “Z.” While it may seem like a challenge to find exercises that start with “Z,” we have curated a set of zesty movements that will add excitement and variety to your fitness routine.


How To: Zumba is a high-energy dance workout that combines Latin and international music with fun and easy-to-follow dance moves.

Zumba classes are led by certified instructors who guide participants through a series of dance routines that target various muscle groups while providing a cardiovascular workout. The emphasis is on moving to the music, making it an enjoyable and effective exercise.

Intensity Level: Zumba is suitable for all fitness levels, as participants can modify movements and intensity according to their abilities.

Muscles Worked: Zumba engages various muscle groups, including the legs, core, arms, and shoulders. It also provides an excellent cardiovascular workout.

Average Calorie Burn: The calorie burn during a Zumba class can vary based on the intensity and duration of the session. On average, a 60-minute Zumba class can burn approximately 400 to 600 calories.

Zottman Curls

How To: Zottman curls are a versatile bicep exercise that also targets the forearms. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold dumbbells in each hand, with your palms facing your body. Start by curling the dumbbells towards your shoulders with your palms facing upward.

At the top of the movement, rotate your wrists so that your palms face downward, then lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.

Intensity Level: Zottman curls are suitable for all fitness levels, and the intensity can be adjusted by controlling the weight and the number of repetitions.

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Muscles Worked: Zottman curls primarily target the biceps and forearms.

Average Calorie Burn: A 15-minute session of Zottman curls can burn approximately 50 to 70 calories.

Zigzag Hops

How To: Zigzag hops are a dynamic plyometric exercise that targets the lower body and cardiovascular system. Set up a series of cones or markers in a zigzag pattern on the ground. Stand at one end with your feet together.

Hop diagonally to the first marker, then quickly hop to the next marker in the zigzag pattern. Continue hopping back and forth in a zigzag motion.

Intensity Level: Zigzag hops are suitable for intermediate to advanced fitness levels, as they require explosive power and lower body strength.

Muscles Worked: Zigzag hops primarily target the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. They also provide an excellent cardiovascular workout.

Average Calorie Burn: A 15-minute session of zigzag hops can burn approximately 100 to 150 calories.

Zen Plank

How To: The Zen plank is a variation of the traditional plank that focuses on balance and core stability. Start in a forearm plank position with your elbows directly under your shoulders and your toes pressed into the floor.

Lift your right arm and extend it forward while simultaneously lifting your left leg and extending it backward. Hold this Zen position for a few seconds, then switch sides, extending your left arm and right leg. Continue alternating sides in a controlled motion.

Intensity Level: The Zen plank is suitable for intermediate to advanced fitness levels, as it requires core strength and stability.

Muscles Worked: The Zen plank primarily targets the core, shoulders, and stability muscles.

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Average Calorie Burn: A 15-minute session of the Zen plank can burn approximately 70 to 100 calories.

Zero Runner

How To: The Zero Runner is a unique, low-impact exercise machine that mimics the natural running motion without the impact on joints. It features independent pedals that allow for a smooth and natural stride.

The Zero Runner provides an effective workout for the lower body and cardiovascular system without the stress on the knees and hips.

Intensity Level: The Zero Runner is suitable for all fitness levels, as users can control the intensity and pace of the workout.

Muscles Worked: The Zero Runner targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. It also provides an excellent cardiovascular workout.

Average Calorie Burn: The calorie burn on the Zero Runner can vary based on the intensity and duration of the workout. On average, a 30-minute session on the Zero Runner can burn approximately 200 to 300 calories.


Incorporating these five zesty exercises that start with the letter “Z” into your fitness routine will add energy, fun, and excitement to your workouts.

From the high-energy dance workout of Zumba, targeting various muscle groups and providing a cardiovascular boost, to dynamic movements like zigzag hops that engage the lower body and cardiovascular system, these exercises offer a well-rounded approach to achieving a healthier, fitter lifestyle.

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